Here is your Tri-Cities update.
Boris/Little Red showed up around noon on Friday and we completed the transaction on his truck.
I flat towed it from the yard to my place and then Boris followed me back to my place with hi flashers on. Except for forgetting to bungee the steering wheel, and the front wheel turning hard left as I made a hard left leaving the tow yard (Quickly fixed in the center lane) the trip home was uneventful. Slow going on the crawl up I-182 toward I-82.
Upon arriving at the property I gave Boris the GRAND tour.
I may have gotten him interested in Unimogs by accident.
But at the very least I think I renewed the coursing of Green Fever through his veins.
Saturday evening after mowing on the tractor, I put chargers on the new batteries so they would be 100% when I worked on the truck on Sunday.
On Sunday I had time to check out the fuel system.
I removed the primary filter, it was full of rust chunks and diesel bio-slime. I flipped on the pump with the primary removed and no fuel pumped out, although you could hear the pump running (after I disconnected the low air buzzer).
I blew compressed air backwards through the lines and heard bubbling, so no line blockage.
Next I went to check out the in-tank fuel pump. But another problem.
The fire dept. made tanker bed sat very low to the tank, such that you could not get wrenches or screwdrivers onto the necessary fittings for removal.
So out came the plasma torch and a section of the deck was removed.
After removal of the pump it seems the lower portion of the pump had come apart so the impeller blade just whipped up a froth in the tank, they did not force the fuel up and out of the tank. Also one of the impeller blades was bent. Must have hit the parts that came off. I would guess the fuel was just at the level of the top of the impeller. Sloshing the fuel would have lost suction/priming of the fuel line to the inj. pump. So rather than swap fuel pumps I had another tank and pump from my
winter OMAK, WA truck recovery, that I swapped in.
I flipped on power and fuel spit out the primary filter housing. So I re-assembled the primary fuel filter.
Then I went and dropped the secondary and final filters. They looked almost new, still shiny, but cleaned their housings (bio-slime and rust fuel again) and replaced them also. Cracked the line to #1 injector and the fuel filter stop-cocks and flipped on the power. Ran around and closed each of the stop cocks once they started spewing fuel. Once fuel made it to #1 inj. I flipped off the power. Snugged up the connections and went back and started her right up.
Nice sounding C turbo- easily heard from the cab. The exhaust on this erdalator goes under the truck and points down on the ground around the battery box/fuel tank area.
For those that have asked, she does not have a rear PTO. Bus shy of a drop side bed I think she has everything you look for in a deuce.
So now I need a good M105A2 to go with her.
Also what do you think is a better way to go?
1) an air-o-matic system or 2) the hydraulic power steering out of an LDS 5 Ton.
#1 is bolt on and #2 is dis-assemble and reassemble.
Guess it is time to go update my signature line.
And yes I dyed my hair to match the truck for the recovery operation.