Dan H. we never saw you! I was running around with my tan deuce (the ONLY tan deuce). TANLIVESMATTER! haha
and Mules, sorry we never hooked up on those taillights. I went looking for you once, but didn't find you. Don't suppose you still have them?
Sitting around drinking friday night, one of the guys mentioned seeing a cannon simulator and kind of being aroused by it. With some smooth talking on my part, I convinced the group that they needed it. So, they all pitched in and we went and got it.

It was another great turn out. My first year a buddy and I just ran over with the pickup to see what it was about. My second year, the same buddy and I brought a camper and hung out for a few days. This year we had my deuce, another deuce, a HEMTT, a bus, and a camper. Next year.....who knows?