I just want to make sure I have this right. I am working on getting everything I need for a 700r4 transmission swap. I just need to make sure I buy the right parts, as I am still learning. So, I have a 2wd 700r4 out of a 88 Silverado. Is this the complete parts list??
-diesel governor
-TV bracket and cable
-6.2/700r4 flexplate
-np-208 adapter
-27 spline out put shaft
-transmission cooler (optional)
I'm a little confused about the np-208 adapter and the 27 spline output shaft. I did a search on ebay and several different things popped up. I don't want to make a mistake and buy the wrong part. Can anyone post a picture of the np-208 adapter, and 27 spline output shaft so I can be sure. It can be from Google images. I just want to make sure I know what I'm looking for.
Do the output shaft and adapters need to be from the same year as the transmission was manufactured? For instance can a 2003 chevy output shaft from a 700r4 fit my 88 700r4?