On a normal truck with this engine, there is an electric sol. that pulls in to put the rack in the pump to the full fuel/start position and de energizes to put the rack to the zero fuel/dump port in the delivery valves. Do these have them? If so, the issue you are describing COULD be from a failed shut off valve. The most common way they can fail is where the threaded rod/link is attached to the plunger in the center of the solenoid. Easy way to check it is to grab hold of it, the center shaft of the shut off valve, and see if it wiggles like the joint is broken where the shaft and plunger are joined together. The plunger also needs to be adjusted to, IIRC, 2 5/5 inches of travel. I might need to go look that up, it has been a bit since I had to mess with one. The attached pic has the FSOV, Fuel Shut Off Valve, circled. There should be no movement in the plunger shaft. And, just in cast these engines have the P, MW or A pump, the overflow valve and FSOV is the same. The gallery pressures are different though.