Howdy all! New guy here with a question. Im hoping someone has an answer or advice.
Right now Im using the 802A to charge the battery bank on our RV trailer (Arctic Fox) when needed by the 120vac shore line. We have a good solar setup already that I installed last year. When we finally get to our plot of land in Alaska, we will have a cabin built with solar power. Yes, I understand the dark cold winters there. My question is while the 802a is fine for our trailer needs (we use it maybe once a week in bad weather), I dont think it will be a whole cabin type generator, but I could be wrong. We will have a 48v bank of 16 6V batteries (8x

in series/parallel for 860Ah with a 4000w 48v inverter/charger. We get along fine using our 3000w inverter in the trailer. Winter there is a 3 hour day, so I will need a genset for part of the winter to charge the bank every 2-3 days.
I plan on keeping the 802, but want another for heavier use and have the 802 as a spare when needed. Should I go up to the next size 803? It seems to be a popular model and not too terribly heavy. I plan on having an insulated vented outbuilding for the genset as it does get to -30* or so .
I thank you for your time, thoughts and advice!