Dryers are rated by air volume, so if you used more air, you would want more capacity. I think the old unit does dissipate heat way better than the newer cartridge units.
all these dryers use coalescing media. I believe it is often mis-labeled desiccant Because it is removing moisture from the air stream. But “Desiccant” collects and holds moisture, so would quickly become saturated without some system to either heat or place it under a very low vacuum to force the moisture back out of the desiccant. Coalescing media separates and consolidates the moisture, but does not hold it, so gravity and an easily arranged reverse airflow can clear the moisture from the unit during a purge…
gotta change it, gotta change it, gotta put a new cartridge unit on, but the design and perfectly adequate performance speaks otherwise to me. Had someone give me 2 of them, overhauled them and put them on my shop air compressor, they work fantastic, never had such a dry shop airtank… fun to watch visitors to the shop jump when the twin units purge as I have not piped that exhaust all the way outside yet