If you can't find what you're looking for here on your M880, check out this site:
95% of the info you need on these M880's can be found here. Of course they won't be able to help you with things like radio sets, black out lights, camo pattern etc. but all the mechanical stuff on the 880's are identical to the civy W200 powerwagon. They have a great vehicle help page. Check it out! <img src="emoticons/icon_smile_thumzup.gif" alt="Thumb Up">
95% of the info you need on these M880's can be found here. Of course they won't be able to help you with things like radio sets, black out lights, camo pattern etc. but all the mechanical stuff on the 880's are identical to the civy W200 powerwagon. They have a great vehicle help page. Check it out! <img src="emoticons/icon_smile_thumzup.gif" alt="Thumb Up">