Story #1:
I was told a story related to this truck during the road test phase of the evaluation. The truck had a 200-ish mile preplanned route in Michigan that it had to complete under max GVWR while carrying three occupants: Driver (AMG employee), Army Evaluator, and 3rd Party Observer. Both of the non-AMG persons would be rotated out per completed trip as good testing would demand.
The driver had the route pre-approved. During the the later part of the first trip, the truck make a "weird sound" and the driver requested a stop for inspection. It would just so happen that the closest parking lot available was at a Hooters. They parked out front and decided on lunch while the truck cooled off. A corner booth was specifically chosen to have the vehicle remain in sight of the observers during their lunch. After their meal, they mounted back up and when the driver put the truck into reverse.. nothing happened.
Pure terror overcame him but he had to maintain his composure in front of the observers. He worked the parking brake and put the truck into low range then applied throttle. The truck jolted but backed up as it should. He shifted back into high range then got on the road to finish the route before this something happened again. The truck passed the mechanical inspection upon return - no faults found.
The following day the truck began its route and would just so happen to have a weird noise happen again. Oh man! It must be something that happens at specifically 165.2 miles exactly!! (I'm making this number up of course

). The truck comes rolling into the parking lot like it did the day before and they are greeted by the Hooter's Manager. The driver took him to the side and asked what the problem is and it went something like this...
Manager: "Sir. I'll have to ask you to park around back."
Driver: "We can't. The truck must remain in our sight at all times."
Manager: "I can't let you park here. We have a camera out back for our deliveries. It will be safe."
Driver: "That wont work. It has to be our direct sight at all times."
Manager: "You can't park out front after the last time."
Again, terror.
Driver: "What do you mean
last time
The truck had previously sank in the asphalt parking lot leaving 6 perfect impressions of the tire treads. There was nothing wrong with the truck when they were trying to leave. It simply sank due to the loaded weight and couldn't climb out in high range. It was at this point it occurred to him that this discovery would A) blow his cover story about the weird noise B) show they were here before C) damages to property & contract potential.
The driver asked the manager to give him a moment and made a call to his higher ups to explain the situation. The solution was presented and agreed upon. The group would be allowed to have lunch that day and a following 3rd trip. Hooters would receive a new parking lot.