Yay, time for an update. Ya, i know i'm not exactly speedy with this. As of today i finally got a rolling chassis. Took alot of time to get this far. First thing i did since last post....BUILD SAWHORSES, and dang are they nice. Forgot how nice it is to have a good pare, they are also my new work table when not in use

. I painted the frame/axles. Sand,grind,chisel,epoxy, primer, painted rims. Got new tire, went newer for safety, comfort, and price

. Got my new shackles on, ran all my brake lines, replaced two slave cylinder, and rebuilt two. Funny, i only found one 1 inch cylinder, had three 3/4 ones. I also got all new brake hardware, just need to buy brake shoes now. I also tore my master cylinder apart and found it too pitted, and some how the top fording cap has a chunk missing out of the lip. New cylinder is all i need to finish my brake system. Was able to use my leaf springs off my parts chassis, just had to clean them and paint them.
Also got all u bolts on, annoying, got shorted 1 bolt on the shipment, and then they sent the wrong size one. Just went to local auto parts store and got a generic. I also completely replace my rear cross member, curtisy of midwest. Tried to hot rivet it, but that was a no go. Ended up cutting them short and welding rivets from the back. Looks great and with a hammer

, got the MC bumper over it. Was awfully tight because of the layers of paint. I also got the bumperets installed with pintle, and the axle stops (original round ones were still good

). This weekend I'm going to straighten the front bumper and put it on. Also had to straighten two shock mounts on frame. I also removed my parts chissis engine and axles, so now it stores all together and have more room again.
Basically it need shocks, mc cylinder, rebuild engine, fix fuel tank,finish body up and run the wiring. Of course there will bee a lot of other little odds and ends. I also did have a quart of aircraft paint stripper explode on me and gave me chemical burns on my arms. It was hot day, vented it, and still came out. Debating what to do next, not sure if i want to rebuild my t90. I opened it and it seems ok, the reverse idler gear COULD be replaced. Had no issues shifting it, even with it running. But the seals may be bad under pressure (never drove since the output gear was stolen out of transfer), not sure. Basically i'm getting lazy in that area since it's still together with transfer and both are shinny and nice on the inside. Tempted to just paint it and put it back on. Now let there be pictures !!

Extra engine