I was just thinking of that and I would have to concur, my old Deuce is a 63 Studebaker and the spare cable I have is out of a 68 Kaiser .
That old truck is not around anymore to compare to or see what type of handle it had, but when it comes to these Deuces it's often NOT a one size fits all deal .
Measure twice, buy once .
So, I'm literally editing as I'm writing this, I thought about it and I thought the handle I removed my spare cable from that I attempted to put on, was the same as the one in my 63 deuce and I just found it, and it is .
So I don't know what was different about that truck or possibly the handle, but I could not make that cable work in my 63 without modifying something .
I remember trying to put it on I thought I was losing my mind so if the cable you had fit and worked measure it inside and outside and get another one exactly like it if you can .
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