After meeting with my new local fabricator, my adapter project is finally moving forward. I expect it back in two weeks and then we can mount up my 18" Forever Sharp steering wheel shown in previous posts.
I also found this on Pintrest in regards to spline sizing on steering shafts. If anyone has an old wheel or exposed shaft, and can take these measurements, Forever Sharp may be able to tell us which of their adapters may fit..
Here is the hub after being returned from the first fabricator.

After machining off the spokes, he welded a steel ring to the remaining steel bits. Our new fabricator plans to create a piece about 3" high to press over this and weld on. The 5 6x1.0 mm bolts
for the new wheel and finisher will screw into this. 3" added to this will give the correct height and with the wheel mounted, I will still have enough clearance down to the turn signal.
Seriously though. If we can determine the spline size, then the adapter will be a piece of cake. Yes, these are old according to our friends at Acela, but we know it is common with something!