Welp, I guess it's time for another update. Yesterday while working on the M1031, I was able to get my gear selector to move in ON and ACC positions on the column. I was having an issue where the gear selector would only move in the ACC position after replacing the ignition switch under the dash on the column. So I ripped apart the column and swapped the old ignition switch back in and voila, I can move gears in both key positions again. That'll show me.
After that, I wanted to set my drag on the rear brake drums before changing out the front calipers on the truck and set my parking brake lever in place as well as put the new axle shaft flange seals in place so I could keep the truck from moving while I had the front wheels off since I've currently got my immobilizer pads underneath the front tires. Boy was that a bad idea. After fiddling around with the drivers side rear brakes for a while, bending and cursing the parking lever arm, reaching out to Rick to see if he had one he could take a picture of, cursing some more at the arm, it was getting late and I had to start buttoning everything back up. Got the drum in place as well as the hub nut, locking key and key retainer clip, put the axle shaft back in and started to put the axle shaft bolts back in place.

Lo and behold, the knowledge of "if it starts giving you resistance, stop" strikes again. I didn't follow it and have chowdered up hub threads and axle flange bolts to deal with. These bolts are 1/2-13 threads with a 1-1/2 inch length and 3/4 inch hex head. Grade eight 2 inch bolts were easy to find at the parts store, but they don't keep enough in stock at one store to be able to be able to make this repair without some store to store transfers, so I'll have the rest of them tomorrow while I'm working at the Autozone. Once I get those all assembled, I'll have to trim them down to length with the grinder and tap the entire shaft of the bolts to get them to fit my needs. Also some new lock washers to help with torque-ing the bolts and securing the axle shaft to the hub.

Some of the more gruesome ones in the hub. After placing two bolts back in the pooched hub, I set out to finding a replacement. ACDelco RW20-123 axle hubs for the M1031 because these 14 bolt rear axles were set up to have dual rear wheels on each side, so the single wheel hubs would not work. Around $200 on Amazon of all places with a Sunday delivery. Once that comes in, I'll knock the wheel lugs out, rip out and inspect the bearings, reinstall if good replace if not, then put the old drum to the new hub if all goes well. I will make a new step by step repair thread if anyone is interested.
I'm kicking myself in the ass for not being able to replace both hub and both drums right now to do this job right, but I just can't afford to do so with moving houses, so I will put that on the list of things I have yet to do to the truck. It will get done as soon as I am settled into my new place.
Thank you all for reading, and a great weekend to you.