91W350 I see you got a new sigline , it sucks but you might have to start having parts pre-paid .
I was hoping to shame the party into paying for his five ton PTO that several other members would like to have. The BS lines just keep rolling in, I have asked that it just be shipped back and I would pay for the shipping.
To be brutally honest about it, he stood right in front of me, looked me in the eye and lied to me. That is life, he and his partners need not come back to the yard. it might be unfair to declare guilt by association, but that is the way it is.
He had guts enough to ask me to hold things for his partners in crime. Personally, I see no gain in doing that. I generally am a positive person and will change the signature line in a few days.
I am swamped, my biggest problem is postage or shipping. I cannot get to UPS, Fed Ex or the Post Office to get things shipped. I have a lot of parts pulled for several people, getting them delivered is almost impossible for me.
I could make more money selling parts and shipping them than the salary I agreed to work for. I am not complaining, I like my job and I like the contacts that have grown from the job. Things are looking up, we have hired somebody to write checks and do scale tickets. When I get her trained, I should have more free time. Working for a friend is tough, I feel obligated to do my best to make his relatively new business work, on the other hand, it kills me to see the wasted military equipment.
I know several members have stopped by the yard and witnessed the sheer volume of the business. One day, prices will surely drop, but for now, we are just blown away most of the time. A good problem to have.
I really appreciate those who stop by and take a few minutes to talk while we settle up. I try to be fair, more than fair and hope they will come back again.
I will be at the yard most of the day tomorrow, I have a lot if things to move around and if anybody wants to swing by, I would enjoy their company. I realize it is Easter Sunday and certainly do not expect anybody to be in my 'hood bored outta their gourd.
