Members, as bad as we want deuces, I know it's hard to do but please remember, no SF 97's and no title documents mean no plates in NY. And, for what it's worth, all of us bidding on a particular truck because it's just what we want is what's driving up the prices. In 5 years I've watched the average price go from $800-$1000 to about $3000-$4000 just because of the single buyers. Ask Vito in NJ sometime how hAPPY he is with his truck from Drum. He thought He was really saving money over buying from a dealer till he saw the truck. For what it's worth, one of the men at Drum knew his time was coming for a loss of job. so He started working for GL for about 5 months on interm basis. Soon as his job ended, he contacted Linda Amos at GL for hiring package so he could start on July 3 as GL employee. Surprize, It had to be bid internally and a man from VA. decided to take the job. Rob is screwed. One more classic for GL. Please, if we don't bid at all, THEY are screwed. I wrote a letter to them, told them I will not bid again until SF-97's are issued on vehicles. If we pull together, we will win. Remember, GL is owned as a private company by a relative of Hillary Cluinton, Al Gore and a French man who lives in France. Remember, they are supposed to give US Govt. 80 % of the gross income from auctioons. It turns out to be .5% Factoid from 2003 DRMO financial report to DRMO officers at bases. John Tennis