Suprman is great to deal with. He sent me an air dryer for my truck when it needed it before I could even get a check mailed to him. First check somehow never showed up but that's good ole' USPS efficiency. Second one arrived and cleared. He also gave me some great advice today regarding scammers on a craigslist advertisement. I got 3 messages from various people, e-mailed them and everyone's story was the same. Thankfully, Suprman wheels and deals alot more than I do and took me under his wing and taught me how the "real world" works. It was actually more like a "bump that story, seen it a thousand times, don't use pay pal for anything that can't fit in a box, and demand cash for a vehicle that is changing hands". Still counts as mentorship and the story I had read in the multiple e-mails sounded suspicious so I reached out to an expert and got the advice I needed. Thank You Sir! My Father has a saying, "I'm not smarter than you, I've just been around a little longer and seen more stuff". I think that's the kind of advice I got today!