Great to see the duece hauling a load of scouts.

Did you get the duece from Outdoorbum??
My introduction to Power Wagons was getting to drive one at Scout Camp back in the day (Camp Powhatan, Blue Ridge Mountains Council, VA). I've been bitten by the Power Wagon/MV bug ever since.
According to NC law, you MUST have an adult in the back if you have kids under twelve in the back, and it's a good idea when you have older kids such as your Scouts. Also a very good idea to have the cargo safety strap in pace accross the back (between the side racks, over the tailgate). I have a spare one if you need it...
Consider participating in the State Veterans' Day Parade in Raleigh on November 10 (a day early since Veterans' Day falls on a Sunday this year). The NCMVPA will have a collection of MV's in the parade along with trucks driven by active duty units and by some of the Veteran's groups.
I've got a copy of the NC statute dealing with hauling folks (kids in particular) in the beds of trucks on my website that you might want to print out and file with the truck in case somebody sees the boys and gets concerned... See:
Hollar if you need help with the rig, there are a bunch of us in the area who have experience with these...