Maybe 3rd Armored Division, 122th main support battalion, company F, order of march 70
That's what the numbers say.
3rrd Armored, 122th MSB, Foxtrot company.
BACKGROUND: VII Corps was given the mission on 19 March 1991 to begin humanitarian relief operations in sector, following their efforts during the ground war against Iraq. The 3d Armored Division was responsible for the Safwan area. Following is a summary of this highly successful three-phase Corps operation.
INITIAL RELIEF OPERATIONS. The first phase included food and water distribution and emergency medical care, as well as building the infrastructure to execute this mission.
TASK ORGANIZATION, PHASE 1: Task Force (TF) 4-32 selected the location and provided security for the site. T
he 122d Main Support Battalion (MSB), Division Support Command (DISCOM) and the Division Surgeon's office provided daily medical assistance, supplies and equipment and administrative and technical support to reestablish the Safwan medical clinic. The 404th Civil Affairs Company provided the administrative resources for bulk food distribution, and coordination with the local population. The 22d Chemical Company assisted in the disribution of supplies at the refugee supply point (Class I, IV, and VIII).
Phase II consisted of sustainment and program enhancement. In addition to that mentioned in Phase I, TF 4-32 was also responsible for establishing and administrating local security, law enforcement, and EOD operations within the city of Safwan.
The 122nd MSB was responsible for the bulk water distribution within the TRS and Safwan as well as for working with the 12th Engineers in operating the city well.