Sorry I haven't posted in a bit on this. I was busy shopping craigslist for some cut off jean shorts, a rebel flag, Nascar #3 flag...and some Billy Bob beer. But, I digress.
Picked up the camper Friday night for $600. Was tricky. Had I not removed the Humvee canvas top brackets it wouldn't have worked. At that, I was a baby's breath from getting the truck between the front camper jacks. Not to mention, the camper left rear jack is broken and the seller had it propped on a bumper/farm jack.
The unit weighs about 1,500 lbs dry - and just over $1,700 loaded. The truck handled it well. I used ratchet straps to hold it down to get home - and ran it up to 55 on the back roads. Surprisingly , due to the weight it settled the truck down really nice and it rode super smooth. This is a pop up slide in, so the total roof profile is nearly 2' lower than the other hard top units.
I'm posting the ROUGH pics'll have plenty of fun laughing at them. I call it...GI Joe meets the Beverly Hillbillies!
This unit has been sitting for a LONG time and was totally neglected. Saturday morning I bleached and scrubbed the heck out of it. The canvas is in great shape, but there was water damage to the rear floor where Redneck Billy Bob last installed a window a/c unit incorrectly.
(I can't get the pics to rotate correctly)