Please help me understand this a bit more. If I decide to drive my gun truck War Wagon to Fort Collins or Greeley Colorado from Cheyenne Wyoming, what will happen? Will they try to ticket me? Maybe try to confiscate it? Any MV shows south of the Wyoming border have become off limits to me? I really dislike politics.

This is an excellent question.
And the following is a reasonable application of a law that would, in application, seem to resolve your hypothetical problem.
HOWEVER, keep reading below please.
That would be the freedom of movement clause under the privileges and immunity clause of the constitution laid out in Paul v Virginia 1869 stating you have the right of free ingress and egress from states" it would also fall under the association right of they attempted to involve it.
Like I said earlier I know of atleast several courts that have ruled that it is unconstitutional for the government to regulate what types of personal use vehicles citizens drive based on their outward appearance represents a govermoment trying to subvert personal rights" proctor v coral springs
Thanks for that answer.
However, there is a more applicable and DIRECT addressing of this situation as follows....
EVERY one of the 50 States in the United States is a CO-SIGNER on a US Department of Transportation Agreement - called a RECIPROCAL AGREEMENT - with each and every one of the other 49 "United" States.
This RECIPROCAL AGREEMENT asserts and GUARANTEES that a vehicle registered in one State can freely travel into, through, or about ANY of the other 49 States so long as it is LEGALLY REGISTERED (and inspected, insured, etc.) in the one State in which in which it "resides". This very same RECIPROCAL AGREEMENT assures the same acceptability to the licensing of drivers and their ability to operate "out-of-state" vehicles across State's jurisdictions without harassment or penalties/consequences.
This doesn't not mean that I wouldn't get pulled over in Colorado driving my LEGALLY registered in Texas NO-TAGS Former Military Deuce and a Half if a LEO observed that I display no license plates. He would, however, have NO BASIS for the issuance of a ticket since my registrations specifies
"License Tag Number: NO TAGS"; and upon that verification would have to wave me off.