Anyone ever own a boat? I did. Thank God I had the intelligence to sell it while I had the chance. As mentioned here previously, "a boat is a hole in the water to pour money down."
It was misery! Everyone wants to ski behind it, go for rides, etc., but when oil changes, tweaking cables and maintenance time comes, the only friends you seem to have are the crickets. Simply amazing! I paid $20,000 <choke, gasp> for that boat- just for everyone else to enjoy; the day I cut that ball and chain off my leg (sold it) was the happiest day of my life!
Well, with one exception: the day I was handed divorce papers by a Deputy Sheriff from the 1st wife (which was the other ball and chain). Come to think of it, both cost me a tidy sum totalling North of 100K, so a MV expense is child's play!!! I can spend money like the fool I am and gleefully drive down the dirt road in something that I WANTED.
Back to the divorce- boats and ex-wives have something in common: both were high maintenance, both were WELL used by others, and I got the lucky task of footing the bill for both! Braveheart getting gored on the rack got nothing on me.
Sad but true, And yes, 'denial' is painful (as it should be). Did I learn my lesson?
But that was years ago and enough time has passed to allow me some latitude of self-abasing humor about it. Both were squarely my fault.
Why? I said yes to both!!
Anyway, I will be picking up my (new to me deuce soon) and I'll get to enjoy the machine because
I wanted it, 
and for no other reason.
When people ask me 'what are you going to do with that?', or the proverbial question, 'Why did you buy that?' I'll simply smile and say "...'cause I could".
And "no, I won't help you move darling." That's when you put your earphones on, put'r in neutral and flip the battery switch to on. The rest is up to you gents. What starts your motor might be a push button switch or something of the flesh, but it all costs money, and sometimes, gobs and gobs of it.

Life's short, so enjoy what you have left. And yeah, I'll be contracting with the funeral home to hitch a U-Haul trailer to the hearse just to piss off my stock broker. Yes, I am taking it with me just like the Egyptians did. Bury me with my TM's and wrenches kids, I'll need'm when I get to heaven 'cause I already spent my time in motorboat ****!