I decided to take the CUC out after lunch
What's a CUC? Whachu talkin' 'bout, Willis?
Acronym Definition
CUC Canadian Ultimate Championships
CUC Canadian Unitarian Council
CUC Canadian University College (College Heights, Alberta, Canada)
CUC Caribbean Utilities Company
CUC Cayman Utility Company
CUC CCSDS Unsegmented Time Code
CUC Central Utility Complex
CUC Centre UNESCO de Catalunya
CUC Chassis Utilization Charge (shipping)
CUC Chronic Ulcerative Colitis
CUC Claremont University Consortium (California)
CUC Columbia Union College (Takoma Park, MD, USA)
CUC Comité de Unidad Campesina (Spanish: Committee for Campesino Unity, Guatemala)
CUC Command Upconverter (satellite communications)
CUC Committee of University Chairmen
CUC Common User Contract(or)
CUC Commonwealth Utilities Corporation
CUC Communication University of China
CUC Computer Usage Control (NASA)
CUC Concordia University Chicago
CUC Conseil pour l'Unité Canadienne (Council for Canadian Unity)
CUC Cuban Convertible Peso (ISO currency code)
CUC Cucuta, Colombia - Camilo Daza (Airport Code)
CUC Cisco Unified Communications
CUC Cisco Unity Connection
The Commercial Utility Cargo Vehicle or CUCV Program was instituted to provide the United States military with a cheaper vehicle to augment the purpose-built, but expensive, Gama Goats and Humvees then coming into service. It initially provided Dodge D Series and then Chevrolet C/Ks with several military modifications. All were phased out sooner than expected due to their inability to endure the hardships that the purpose built vehicles could. The vehicle has five basic configurations; cargo, utility, ambulance, shelter carrier, and chassis. The vehicles were purchased in the late 1970s and early 1980s from Chrysler Corporation, Dodge Division, and in the late 1980s from General Motors.
but these pics are lame if you ask me. LOL!
As for the pics, You call
that mud?
btw, I do know that wet Georgia clay, is as slippery as Vaseline!(don't ask)