Well I'm usually good with parts people but the last 2 years pretty much every parts store has swapped out people several times...that goin on to the next part in the barn I'll need is the lower belt pulley...unfortunately it has rusted through at one spot so I need another!! I don't worry about doing this again since I want to replace the balancer as well and it gave me a chance to try out the 2 pullers I have...neither of which will work...I have an installer that should work though!! I don't know the size of the crank bolt or I'd know for sure!! So since I do have all the pulleys off I decided to sand off all the rust on them...they were pretty bad...should grab good now...I took a bunch of pics on how to remove the power steering pulley and install if anyone wanted to know how that works plus the puller/installer set I have...off to get my belts now! 2 stores have the size I should need...the power steering is unimaginably easier to put on with the water pump pulley off!!
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