Well had some major progress follow a major failure this past weekend.
1st the progress
I got all the brake lines replaced, master cylinder rebuilt and new air pack in. Replaced all the wheel cylinders and repacked all the bearings and replaced all the seals even the corks. Had to replace 4 shoe return spring cause they broke when take them off in the rear. Adjusted all the brakes. Got all the electrical up working and was ready for the 1st test drive.
Started off great when up the drive from the bottom of my property, then headed up my drive to main street. This when the major failure happened.
I went to test the brakes again while going up the hill and then the pedal goes straight to the floor and doesnt come back. At this time the truck starts rolling backwards rather quick. Lost my mirror to a branch so now I cant see where I'm going. But I manage to put it the corner post of my retaining wall instead of into the drive where our cars were parked. I managed to miss the power pole and kept it from sliding into the waterway.
Not too much damage was done from what can be seen right now. Broke one dog bone for sure. Waiting till I put the truck on some frame stands to pull the rear axles out to inspect everything better.
So what we think happened was when I was bring it up from the bottom of my property theres a place were it goes up hill then turns left with still going up hill. Not the great transitions though. When it got to this point some part of mid brake lines got caught in the mid to rear drive shaft. And it took it about 200 ft till took it the mid axle brake line off. Not sure how since it was mounted up like it came off but it did.

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