Just kidding.Thursday made it all the way up there running 60-65MPH.No problems.....Comming back.....the 95 degree weather and trying to keep up with Murphy did me in.I started getting hot north of Nashville after I filled up with diesel(cut the WVO mixture we put in in Evansville).Would run 190-210.Mostly stayed around 200.Then we stopped at a truck stop south of Nashvill(well,I hooked back up with Wrecker.We got separated when he took the parkway out of Evansville and I took old 41).He wanted to take a short cut through decatur and was leading the way.I thought we was going to do 55MPH give or take but I was giving it all she had trying to keep up with him.Several time I had to pop it out o gear and coast down some really long hills to let the EGTs cool down and the coolant temp cool.Finally around Decatur she blew.I was tooling along running god knows what(Speedo showed 60MPH but it is calibrated for 9.00s) and suddenly the trucks vibrations changed and I noticed the throttle pedal didn't do anything.Clutched it and the tach went to zero.Headed for the side of the road and coasted as far as I could since wrecker was a mile ahead of me


Noticed behind me a fan shaped line of fluid.When I finally stopped steam and coolant came pouring out.After it cooled down and we dumped some more water in I hit the switch and it was sluggish at first turning over but did finally fire.Had a really nasty knock at the rear of the engine.LOTS of blow by,the oil pressure is still the same(a super high 10-20PSI hot....

) but it is Much lower on power.Does anyone have a compression tester I could rent or borrow?Figures.This weekend REALLY sucked......other than the MVPA convention....Got sunburned,blew up my truck,got the notice at work we are being cut back to 40 Hour MAX a week(was 48 hour mandatory MINIMUM a week)......So,Now I got plenty of time to work on my trucks........Just NO FREAKING MONEY!!!!!