MArch 7th, 2009.
No intent to start a firestorm here, but given the rarety of unmutilated M37's and their original small capacity in the design, would it not be more logical to either: A: Buy a deuce and fit the ag tank in the bed via a skid mouting (Deuces seem to be going for as little as $1200.00 bucks on GL depending on location & condition) or look around for a F6 ,F7, or F8 farm truck, I bought a 1951 Ford F6 dump which ran, with about 50,000 original miles for $1200.00... The bed worked, most of the truck was very solid, and it did whatever I needed, it just would not go fast... kinda like a deuce.

If your pockets that light, do bear in mind, IF you can find a M37 in running shape, it's still gonna be a 50 year old truck, with a fifty year old truck's mainetnance needs and fragility. I have a 1963 Swiss Army S404.114 Unimog, they cost more then an M37, but they have excellent mobility and a 1-1/2 ton capacity. They make our ton and ton and a half trucks look pretty much incapable, they just wont go over 35-40 normally if you want to keep the transmission in, and they have an 80 HP engine, so you will climb long hills SLOW

If I was gonna build an off road or farm work truck, I would look hard at the S404.114's Unimogs, as they were built for such odd jobs, and they are very adaptable.
Kyle F. McGrogan
Actually, compared to what a solid M37 or a newer Unimog goes for, the S.404.114's seem to be fairly common, parts are a little higher, but with care, the Unimog's will likely outlast many other vehicles. Having driven M37 and the radio truck variants, M715's,M422-A1's and my M35A2, the Unimog seems to run and run and run.... the deuce does when it feels like i(see cold weather starting problem.... something electrical is tripping her up),, they are both daily drivers.... and a 1-1/2 ton truck (on or off road) would have a better chance of surviving use as a tanker. Another thought, why not just tow a converted water buffaloor M105A trailer with the body off and an AG tank added behind whatever truck you do have?
1971 Kaiser Jeep M35A2 Wo/W "Saddam's Nightmare" Desert Storm and Vietnam Veteran deuce.
1968 Johnson Corp M105A2
1963 Swiss Army Cargo Unimog, S.404.114
1967 Hercules MEP023A Gas Gen Set APU.