ok... I will try again (damn exploder)
IMHO, most of the GM diesel trouble is 'consumer based'. Most people had no clue about owning a diesel when GM started making them (a good deal still have no clue). This caused alot of issues because people were treating them like their gas counterparts... we all know thats not good

I think that ford (and probably even dodge) had some similar problems, just not as widely known. GM had the corner on the market in the early 80's, and it cost them dearly in the diesel world.
citizensoldier said:
They then took the Allison transmission and lightened it ,changed stuff against there recomendation and had all kinds of problems in the begining. From what I have heard they worked those bugs out.
This is only true if you are talking about Ford. The tranny behind the d-max is an allison design. Ford did just what you state, they asked allison to change things outside of their specs. This caused Ford a great deal of headaches.... I guess thats why Allison never put their name on it
All that said, the 6.2/6.5 series engines were decent. Tons of them have gone several hundred thousand miles. They were great for what the original design was... a LIGHT DUTY diesel engine for GOOD mileage. GM didnt design the 6.2 to be a powerhouse. They made it for the 1/2 ton trucks to get good mileage. Now, that said, alot of people thought 'hmm diesel' and got them in teh bigger trucks, and attepted to work them. This was fine, but there was a big disappointment in power
Off the deuce fender now, back to diesels in the M37.....