Here in Alaska, I have towed both civilian owned CUCV & Hummers, for AAA.
But , I can guarantee, AAA will NOT cover the larger vehicles.
A few years ago.
0700 hrs. I had a call for a Deuce, the would not start.
Fella tried to get AAA to pay for it.
Which was a No Go!
Customer then called me from a pay phone, and wanted me to tow the rig.
Asked him what was wrong with it. He said he didn't know?
I quoted him a price, & told him I would be there in about 4 hours, and he agreed.
He gave me his C/C info, and authorized me to tow his truck.
I charged the C/C prior to leaving.
Drove 150 miles to his location.
When I arrived, at his camp and what a scene!
Found him passed out in a chair.

(temp was in the mid 30's)
With the Deuce on one side, the camp fire on the other.
The Deuce, had a camper permanently mounted on platform, on front half of the bed.
And a electric winch mounted under the camper.
The winch cable was strung out 150', off a gin pole.
That was mounted to the back of the truck, into the pucker brush.
And a half butchered steaming moose, in the bed.
And a rifle leaning against his tires.
I hollered at him, he didn't even budge.
I emptied his rifle, put the shells in my pocket.
I finally woke him up, with my horn.
I asked him what was on the other end of the cable?
He got worried, and told me to mind my own business.
It didn't take me long to figure out.
The fella had more booze in him, than brains.
I walked into the brush, and found another dead moose.
I am very straight forward with folks. (and a retired LEO)
I asked him who shot the 2nd moose?
He drunkenly told me, his buddy.
What buddy?
He said he went to the liquor store, in a p/u truck.
The nearest liquor was back 40+ miles, at a lodge. (Yep, same place he wanted it towed to!!)
Asked him how long ago he left, said he didn't know?
I lit up a smoke, and of course, he asked me for one.
Told him to go sit in his chair.
I gave him one, and told him to stay out of my way.
I unhooked the cable, from the 2nd moose.
And coiled it up by hand, put it in the bed.
Hooked up the front of his truck, with a tow bar/sling.
Leaned his rifle on the trailer with the wood, in it.
Dumped the shells in his cooler.
He said I had to wait for his buddy to show up.
I told him no problem, but the clock starts now.
He wanted to know what I meant.
I told him I normally charge $2.00 per minute for stand by time. (waiting)
But, if I am waiting with a drunk, it was $5.00 a minute. (I quit drinking 26 y/o)
He asked how much 10 minutes would be. I told him $50.00.
Then told him to give me a hand pulling the moose off his truck.
He said why?
Told him, so they could finish butchering it.
He said OK, as long as I only charge his $4.00 per minute!
I agreed. (never did charge him)LOL
Told him his friend would be back shortly.
And flat towed it to the lodge.
After unhooking the Deuce.
Went in the lodge, and talked to them.
They said his friend was sleeping in his truck, in the parking lot.
While talking to them, friends of mine showed up.(they already got their moose)
I told them what was going on, & were the bullets were.
And they said they would give them a hand.
I left, for home.
Got a call later that night, from my buddies.
And they explained what took place.
The (drunk) fellas, both got there moose early that morning.
And decided to save their fuel, by not running the deuce.
Then wore the batteries down.
Then decided to have a few drinks, and a few more...
They ended up helping butchering the moose.
And broke camp, gave him a ride to the lodge.
While his friend slept the whole time, in the parking lot.
My customer then got on the phone, and apologized for his stupidity.
I told him, I don't mind when I am getting paid.
And that another trucker I knew.
Was driving that way in the morning.
And I could have him deliver a couple of new batteries.
Which he agreed too.
Just another typical day, during Alaska's hunting season.