There is a place in nearby Seguin that overhauls large vehicle starters. Found that an A3 starter is roughly $200 bucks more than a A2 starter so we wanted to at least see if they can rebuild or get parts first.
As far as the hard top install, worked out great. We went ahead and drilled the window frame with no difficulties. For the gasket between the hard top and cab body we used a rubber gasket that goes on the bottom of a garage door. It is the perfect width and the only minor difficulty was punching the bolt holes. We made sure that it didn't lip out which would allow for water to sit in the seam. For the top and bottom half of the cab we used foam adhesive tape which worked out well since the joint is much narrower than on the bottom.
Cover repair was all of $48

at a local canvas shop. There is a small patch on the inside of the cover, but for the cost, it was worth it! Looks and works out great. We keep the truck under cover so I am not worried about much anyway.