The link M1075 posted shows the bridge truck wheels and the axles on our water truck.
The 10x20 wheels on all the bridge trucks (M139, M328, M812, and M9??) are all very deep dish and will not bolt up to the standard 5 ton axle without the spacers or the wider rear axles used on these trucks. I havn't done it, but you may be able to reverse the rear hubs and use the wheels as singles on the rear of a standard 5 ton, but I think the track will be way off (too narrow).
I think the best use of the bridge truck wheels would be for cutting the centers out and replacing them with the correct back spacing centers to use for super singles. The wheels on our trucks are super heavy duty and are all split rim tube type so you could use them with any of the 1600x20 tires with tubes or the lower profile 1550s if you can get the tubes. Rim with center and w/o split weighs at least 100#.