Not likely your trailer seized bearings due to high speeds. These guys are tougher then what any civy trailer is.
Your problem was dry grease, exasperated by water or a broken seal, but definitely dry grease or absence of it.
If properly packed with grease, and in good condition, these trailers can go 80mph and no issue to bearings.
The issue would be safety, due to tires or load, but definitely NOT bearings, and as such, I still would not recommend driving at such a high speed.
Hope this helps.
I'm going to guess that was the cause as well. I've been lucky with all my trailers, but it still lingers in my mind that I might have an issue someday. I've towed my M105 at 65 MPH before for some distance.
Now to the RPM question at hand. A M105 trailer came with 9.00's on it. Those measure about 39" tall. Or 61" in circumference.
All this is based at 60mph (1 mile a minute)
V = 1 mile/min = 5280 ft/min
RPM = 5280*12/61 = 1039 rpm
Now, let's take that M1061 tire in comparison. They measure about 32" tall which means a circumference of 50.25"
RPM = 5280*12/50.25 = 1261 rpm
So that means that the bolster tires would spin the bearings 222rpm higher. Or 21.36% faster.
I know personally I've pulled a M105 at 65mph for a long distance several times with no ill effects and the hubs didn't get warm. That's only 9% faster than 60mph. But still 11% away from the bolster trailer tires running the same RPM at 60mph. I would say, and this is purely my opinion, that the bolster tires could be ran on a M105 with no ill effects IF proper PMCS is done on the hubs. But dragging one home without a good check out might lead to disaster. (Yes, I've dragged a few trailers home without PMCS, however, I pull over frequently to check the hub temps)