The "383" NATO colors are:
34094 Green
37030 black
30051 Brown
The numbers are the FS 595A color number. The military carries these as CARC paints (Chemical Agent Resistant Coating) which are essentially an automotive polyurethane paint with a matte finish and controls placed on its sprectral reflectivity to reduce IR signature to something similar to that of brush, earth, trees, and foliage (I believe this is accomplished by adding carbon to the paint.) They are called chemical agent resistant because the polyurethane does not absorb or adsorb chemicals readiliy like some other paints do (such as the old alkyd enamel paint) thus simplifying decontamination of the vehicles after a chemical attack. (just wash them down and go.)
You can have these paint color numbers mixed up in other kinds of paint like Alkyd enamel (this is what Gilespie Coatings offers.) or an acrylic enamel (Aervoe offers an acrylic/styrene modified alkyd blend) if you're concerned about the hazards associated with painting with polyurethane paints. Or I'm sure you could have a professional Automotive paint shop do it for you in CARC since they will likely have the skill and be equiped with the necessary fresh air respiratory hoods and other equipment needed to do the job right.
From what I understand, the polyurethane paints are the most durable, with acrylic next and alkyd enamel the least. And since alkyd paint can absorb stuff more readily, I have some questions about how well it prevents corrosion of the metal underneath.