Just because someone's a firefighter doesn't mean they are qualified to build a firetruck. I don't think there's many pilots that coudl design an airplane. While they may have insight into which features are useful and which are not, it doesn't qualify them to engineer the vehicle.
And the risk we take is a calcutated risk. I don't care if you're full time paid or on call volunteer, you have to have a professional attitude with this job. This is not a place for amatuers.
And as for home built, I'll take a truck built by pros any day. Yeah I know some have to make do, but that should be the exception not the rule. I don't think I've seen any home brew trucks that have roll over protection in the cab like Pierce does. Just because someone is skilled as a welder, it doesn't mean they have the engineering skills needed to ensure the truck can function as intended.
Here we go again... Just cause someone is a firefighter doesn't mean they can put out water, Just cause someone can put out fire doesn't make them a firefighter. Just because you can rebuild a MV, doesn't mean you should. Once again, we don't know each other. I could be the lead manufacturer in Pierce, I could have 45 years of building vehicles professionally, or I could be a bum off the street. Don't be so quick to judge. everybody here has probably done some restoration/rebuilding of their MV, doesn't mean they were qualified, but doesn't mean they cant do a perfect job. I appreciate the insight, BUT WE WILL USE THIS TRUCK, WE WILL BE SAFE DRIVING THE TRUCK BECAUSE WE UNDERSTAND THE RISKS, WE ALL HAVE TRAINING, AND WE ALL WILL BE TESTED ON IT.
We have beat the horse, Killed the horse, Beat the dead horse, and buried the dead horse, Lets give it some respect and not Pi$$ on its grave.