Hey ClintA,
Congrats on the deuce! Ya, it sounds like your lock switch might be frozen. Soaking it in diesel might free it up, if it's corroded, but I'd bet it's mechanically broken since the other switches move, and if it was THAT corroded, I doubt they would. Ok, quick check for you. You can try just wiggling the lock switch upward, and see if the top lever will move then. If it goes left and right, you're pretty well on your way to having lights. Easy test is to turn the light switch on, then see if your blinker flashes on the steering column when used. If the top switch doesn't move, then you're out of luck. Time for a new one, or if you're a macguyver, get some gum and use the foil wrapper to short out the internal switch.
Oh, it's probably not very likely, but just in case it might be a good idea not to use diesel for cleaning the electrical connections. Though a spark doesn't USUALLY light diesel, a hot wire can. Though, you will have a dash light for a very very brief time.
Yes, some of this WAS written in jest. Good luck!