Unbelievable...The boys had taken out the gearbox, Removing components to do so. (prop shafts, and 'things'). We 'old 'uns advised (when asked) on what to do. This was to correct the Rear Crank seal leak.
Ok, they did that, and replaced the seal. And back in it, (the gearbox) went. (We oldies were working on other jobs)
Test run..IT Leaked..'''####***".
New seals ordered..to arrive in the week.
Brad, (Tinygpw). Rang me midweek.." I KNOW(!?) HOW to FIX that, I will be up at the weekend and fix it.
He duly came up up at about 12 noon. "we will help you"..NOPE! I'l fix it...OK yell if you need anything.
Jack, Engine hoist, tools, (clank cank tinker tinker , rattle....!) I am working on the M715 in the sunshine next to the Deuce. "You ok"?..Fine......(Just ask..) " I will"..
Next thing the gearbox is out on the deck!...+ propshafts..bits..lumps..stuff...
Clutch..Off. Flywheel..Off!
He's on the worktable..Ball peen hammer, ball bearing, scissors...stanley knife, Gasket paper. (tap-tap..cut cut)..'Osotite' both sides.."Here's the New Seal"..."no need get a refund"..!?
WOW!..(I trust this kid).
7-30 ish, It's ALL done finished!...Brad takes it for a test run.
We all await his return.............................NO leaks.
I hope he does a full write up...............He has 'A lott'a Brass coming for the War and Peace Show). WELL DONE HIM. From us all..>hugs< Brad. And,..huge Thanks for a job WELL done.
(the ONLY help was me "foot pressing" the gearbox splines in). In the cab.