The new Oregon bars were so inexpensive I decided to go that route. If I can't find a new bar for a reasonable price, I will try to de-rust my current bar as you suggest.
I started de-rusting my current 160ATSA195 Oregon bar that came on the chainsaw and which is the correct bar. The bar has damage from the jack hammer laying on top of it. I've now trashed it. As I mentioned, Oregon has no records of manufacturing this model. I talked to someone else at Oregon and they told me the military specified this bar and it was discontinued many years ago and was never sold on the civilian market. I found another Oregon bar, 160PXDK095, which is identical with the original except it has a sprocket on the end of the bar. The original has a hardened insert on the bar end and no sprocket. I found one on Ebay, new but open box, for $30.00. I've already received it. It works fine, but Oregon Customer Service has informed me that it is a discontinued product. The next problem is the chain. My original chain is in good condition, but I wanted to go ahead and get a spare. The problem with the chain is that it was discontinued as well due to the short length of 59 links. You can always get one made from a long chain shortened to the correct length. I found a place on Amazon that had a 72V059G chain the correct length and specs. I ordered the last one. Oregon told me the 72V059G chain is being discontinued as well. The specs for the bar and chain are as follows.
Length: 16 Inches
Gauge: 0.050
Pitch: 3/8 Inch (Must be 72 Series Chain)
Links: 59
One can always replace the original 16 Inch bar with a longer bar, such as an 18 Inch bar, for a Model CS06 Stanley saw in which case the bars and chains are readily available. However, with the longer bar, the saw won't fit properly inside the space provided in the plastic storage tray located in the bottom of the SEE storage cabinet, probably not important to most. I also tried to buy a new plastic sheath for the chainsaw bar. It isn't available. It was thin plastic and special ordered by the military so that the bar would fit inside the plastic tray. The 16 Inch civilian ones are readily available, but are thick plastic which precludes using it with the storage tray.
By the way, Oregon Customer Service has now temporarily shut down due to the proximity of fires in the area.