Taking a closer look today at one of the MOGS after spending yesterday doing a little cleanup and greasing. I see that several of my general observations and Ebay finds had already been mentioned and some of my questions already addressed. So thanks for everyone's patience and friendlieness. A few more pics below, most of the "not good" variety. Any suggestions of fixes or sources for replacement parts will be much appreciated.
I noticed these on each side of each loader bucket - what are they for?

1 of the 2 bad cylinders I'm dealing with. Will talk to my hydraulic guys tomorrow before possibly ordering a replacement that I found on eBay. Looks like the chrome is just coming off after the cylinder being repeatedly banged against something.

Noticed that the rubber boot/seal in the back of the cab is shot on at least one of my trucks.

I think I've got the mirrors figured out, but I've got 1 crushed light fixture

The closeup of the gnarly cylinder.

One of the crushed exhaust pipes.

I've got at least 1 busted hydraulic level gauge on one of the tanks, and it looks like they all leak I guess these are pretty standard. I'll ask the hydraulic shop.

Has anyone actually received a unit with a work/spot light on the loader bucket? There is a cord on at least 2 of my trucks, and this pic also shows a rusty bolt that certainly used to hold a light.

One of the other "forked" exhaust pipes.

My SEA of SEEs