FLU Farm, wasn't there one of the Army cartoon service bulletins that dealt with that particular zerk issue?
I don't remember the solution, but they had a recommendation.
Mark, thanks for the tip. I can't recall seeing that one, but then I probably haven't read them all yet. Anyway, I think it's a rarity, or others here would've noticed it.
What I have started reading, again, is this thread from the beginning. Lots of good info which went over my head when I read it the first time. Now, after having had a few fights with these machines, some of it makes much more sense.
And I feel sorry for speedwoble after seeing what he started with. Rat damage being but a minor obstacle to overcome.
Today has, so far, been filled with truly minor obstacles. I've started to wonder if things would've been easier had this particular SEE not been overhauled. Which must've been on a Friday afternoon. Which may help explain why it never made it to the paint shop.
Today's findings include loose fasteners on the steering arm and a disconnected hose also on the right side. No clue what it does (must be air, for something out by the wheel hub) but at least it's now reconnected.
Also, this one seems to have ended up at a quickie lube. Several things appear to have been greased on one side, but not the other. And the king pins were definitely lubed with the vehicle weight on them - and I doubt that the military would make such a rookie mistake.
Another simple task has turned into over half a day's worth of work. Thankfully I'm down to the last grease cartridge, so not much more lubing until another case is ordered and delivered.
But don't get me wrong. Not for a second do I regret buying the FLUs. It's been a lot of work, and it's far from over, but I can always sleep, and relax in general, after I die.