My issue regarding videos of how easy it is to raise the SEE's front wheels off the ground...
You're all on the level.
But my SEE let me down in that regard at 30 below zero , tilted over on the side of a crowned road. Where it's parked right now and with the temps we've been having, yeah I could swap a wheel, no problem. When & where it was stranded with a real-world flat tire, I had to fetch the floor jack. The frame reinforcements which make a 406 a 419 put the whole truck as a side-load on the front loader
on a sideslope as opposed to flat. Aside from all the cold-weather moaning and groaning normal for a 30-year-old chassis. Learn from my having to fetch a floor jack instead of scoffing at that (not that anyone has, just sayin'), at least until you've posted video of jacking up your SEE with its bucket while tilted 15* (mostly from the road crown, add a few * cause that's a tall sidewall gets squished down to nothing when flat on the downhill side).
I'm not saying it can't be done. I'm saying if you can, my SEE's likely in worse shape than I thought, I just want video of
that? Also because the ability to operate non-level is the attraction with FLUs, afaic, especially the forklift load-rotate imho. I mean, like, yippee you can change a tire on a nice day on a flat paved surface. So can I.
I really do want to see a vid of someone getting their downhill wheel lifted on a tilt, to even know if the problem I encountered was my own, or everyone's?