Much ado about nothing. I've drug 715's all over Az and Ca without any problems on a flat tow. The bugaboo is there was never an adapter for the weird front shackles to a towbar in the system. The chain adapters from a towbar kit won't fit between the bumper and sheet metal or on the front axle. I just drilled some holes in the front bumper and used the three-hole shackle mounts from a M35...the thing looked better as well.
Later I found some adapters in a towbar kit that looked like they came with the kit. They weren't much but a pair of steel "H" shaped things with pins to replace those horseshoe shackles that poked thru the bumper and connect to a regular GI towbar.
On another note, every time I've ever tried to tow anything with the steering box disconnected, the damn thing just starts to shimmy like crazy. The steering box performs a valuable damping factor you just can't get by without.