I am still looking for hydraulic schematics for the crane winch. I have taken the winch completely apart, including the brake unit and put in new o-rings. I found the brake wet clutch pack has three chambers that oil goes in and there are 1/8" ports for them. One makes the pressure on the brake higher than the springs put on it. The next puts pressure on the outside of the piston, releasing the brake. The third goes into the clutch pack area, apparently to keep it wet but with pressure, would also release the clutch, acting against the spring.
The main shaft from the pump to the brake unit has a one way clutch. It rotates freely in one direction and locks in the other. Thus the brake really only functions against line pull and can freewheel the other direction. No hydraulic inputs change that. It can be winch-in and even with the brake engaged by the spring, the free action will allow it to winch in. But it won't allow winch out without releasing the brake, via one of the two ports that act against the wet clutch springs.
Thus to winch in, no pressure is needed on the brake, but to winch out, the brake must be released.
The unit doesn't look capable of having full line pressure, so I believe there is a control circuit. I read that the HEMTT has a 195 psi circuit, which leads me to think that the brake is controlled at that pressure. If I simply hook to the winch out hydraulic line to release the brake, it may put too much pressure into the brake and blow seals.
I hope to confirm the routing and sources of pressure to operate this winch. At first I thought the valve on the motor was a cross port check valve that would act to block the ports without either pressure to winch in or winch out. Now I think it is a pressure relief valve that relieves once a certain pressure is reached. It should have both in my opinion, but doesn't.
While I don't have a complete crane to work with, I think the LMTV and the HEMTT are essentially the same Grove crane, perhaps with a change of outrigger design.
Please help me chase down the small control lines on the brake and find a hydraulic diagram or these very nice (5K) winches will remain boat anchors.