Long post, so be patient.
OK, so far as a head count, it is probably a safe bet to estimate that the size of the event will double over last year. I never bother to do Ga. Rally sign up sheets because the informal nature of the event usually does not require them, plus they are frequently inaccurate (people don't sign up, or they sign up and then can't come to the rally, etc.). I am not sure how much luck we will have doing a sign up this late in the game, either.
Can you post an exact menu? I know in a pm, Mike said
"we figured bacon, eggs, grist, SOS, biscuits for most breakfasts, with one morning being pancakes and fixings. One lunch would be hot dogs and chili, with baked beans and cole slaw, another would probably be hamburgers and we might have cold cuts/sandwiches at another. One supper could be spaghetti, and maybe some pork chops with fixings for another. Might could even have steaks if we could get a deal. Richard is looking at getting a large sack of potatoes as they can be used in a number of recipes." I think people can decide better if they know exactly what they are signing up for. I know I love spaghetti so I would definitely be up for that.
So the plan is to serve Fri, Sat, and Sunday (morning only)? This is 3 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 2 dinners?
First, I would try and contact the members who we think are coming and ask them if they are interested. Make sure that they know that participation in the food program is not required or even expected, it is only an option we are offering. The whole point of Ga Rally is a non-regimented, easy going excuse to play with army trucks, not a rigid, timelined event. Again, this probably won't be easy and we will surely miss people. Below is a list of who I think is coming.
Now, setting a time for chow will be easy for breakfast and lunch but dinner might be tricky. If the trailrides in the afternoon take longer than expected, you guys may have 50 meals cooked and no one to consume them! Not sure how we will do this.
How will you know who has paid for the service? Have them pay one meal at a time? have them buy a ticket at the beginning of the rally? Put their names on a list hanging in the MKT? Doesn't matter to me, however you guys wanna' do it.
Ok, here is the list that I can come up with. Understand I had to go off memory and the threads that have been posted. If I left you out, it's by mistake. Please add to this thread and let us know if you are coming and if you are interested in taking part with the food service. If I have listed you as a participant and you will not be makign the rally, please let us know. A question mark after the name means I don't know who you are bringing and a question mark in parenthesis means your attendance is not carved in stone or unknown.
clinto & clinto g/f
Wreckerman893 & Bamalady
scooter01922 & Salafrae & guest
Poppop & Wife
timntrucks & wife
twright & ?
HndrsonJ & ?
Phil2968 & Wife
Squirt truck
Dumpster (?)
Oilcan (?)
Big Case
Green gator
pjpiche1 & brother
Chinookpilot77 (?)
Butch Atkins
Doghead & DHW
Am General & g/f
Alright, time for the disclaimers:
If you die, we aren't responsible

If you get an upset tummy, we aren't responsible

If you gain weight, we aren't responsible

If you lose weight, we aren't responsible
And in all seriousness.............. Please do not feel that taking part in the food service is required or expected.... I myself am a picky eater and I am sure at some meal, what the MKT offers won't be inline with what I want, so I will end up at my hooch or the D-town restaurant. Ga. Rally participants are always free to do what they want, without having to worry about others giving them a hard time. No one is going to think you are being anti social if you want to eat somewhere else. Wreckerman and SCSG-G4 are offering this solely becuase they are good dudes who want to help out and everyone loved Cabel's MKT at the Haspin rally. So do as you please!