Everything is packed up and bidding has started on the shipment, so hopefully the cost will be comparable to the ones I had shipped out of Pennsylvania last spring. Again, this shipment contains:
- Qty 5x tan rapid entry vestibules
- Qty 2x 103 tents (frame shell only)
- Qty 1x tan 305 end wall that I'm missing from one of my main tents
- A whole "spare" tan 305 with liner and harness
Once this shipment gets here and I can inspect them, I'm going to pick the best two 305 shelters for the FOBIC project, and keep the worst of the three 305's I'll have for my bus roof tent (that's a ways out still). Other items will also start to come in over the summer - projectors, screens and screen stands (custom from Draper), lightweight tables, lightweight chairs, porta-potties, wash-basin parts (didn't want to buy the HDT version $$$). I'm still short some heaters, and I want to construct man-portable air conditioner units in the same footprint as the HDT SHC35 or SHC60 frame. Then it's time for lighting and automation, and solar panel builds. Bare
SunPower cells are available for relatively cheap (a hair under $2 per cell at 3.5W each), and I can build my own panel configurations to meet my needs (weight, shape, connections, mounting system). It was actually accommodating the multiple solar panels on multiple tents and vehicles, as well as DC generators and battery packs that made the control and power bus so much "fun" to design. I had to be able to accommodate peak loads as well as peak power generation over a pair of 6AWG 24VDC power+ground wires, over a large sprawling camp. I'm hoping I can get a majority of this stuff running my the MVC show at the Fairgrounds this summer...
Day job is murder - I'm still working on three projects at once at work for 12+ hours a day. Lots of meetings right now though so I get time to watch SS forums.