When I last posted, I had bought a complete front axle for 50 bucks.
In between rainstorms and such I was able to take off one of the spindle from the donor axle. put said spindle on the M1009 and it bolted up just fine, no issues!!
Packed the bearings, assembled the hub, and proceeded to fit hub to spindle. Did all the proper torquing/etc, still has horrible grinding noise.
A couple weeks later dodging raindrops, finally got some nice weather!! Some kind of bright, glowing orange ball up in the sky... found out the grinding noise was from the rear of the hub rubbing on the bolts holding the spindle on.
Couldn't figiure out why, so took what was left of old hub to compare.......looks the same....
Then thought maybe the rear bearing wasn't seating right, so took extra bearing and placed it on the spindle.....

Spindle was about 3/8 inch UNDERSIZE!!
Pulled that spindle off, went to see guy that sold me the axle......."Oh, uh, I guess that ones a Spicer/Warn axle." Got my money back but nothing for pain and aggravation.
Took my old spindle to the machine shop that pressed my bearing races in. He took a look at it and said he would try to clean it up for me, but no guarantees.
Got that back, and the rest of the story........
went back together like it was supposed to do. Gonna take it out tomorrow for its test drive. Should be fine. (Famous last words!)