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The LD, LDT and LDS engines are very efficient. QUOTE]
I have my doubts about this. The LDS engine has a rather high BSFC of 0.4 lb/bhp-hr at it's best. The ~same engine in White/Oliver tractors is renowned as a fuel hog. Also note that that tractor series is reported to have cooling problems.
Copied from: http://www.steelsoldiers.com/fmtv/20442-brand-new-fmtv-spotted-5.html
The Hercules engine (multifuel) never had to pass emissions either. FMTV was the first program that Congress had mandated had to meet emmissions standards for the year it was produced. The Israelis had to use and ambient temp of 140F plus 115F increase across the engine for heat rejection- giving a total engine out temp of 255F maximum. When White attempted to modify the multifuel to meet emissions, the engine failed miserably. I know this is going to anger a lot of people, but the multifuel engines, since inception, was a cluster@#$%. It was a poorly designed engine that had a BSFC of about 0.4lb/hp/hr fuel consumption, where even the noisy DDC 2 strokes were below that. It is also why the Herc could not cool itself-the radiator was designed to cool a much larger engine, due to the engine heat rejection. This is not to say that the Herc runs hot-it means that the Herc cannot stabilize it's temp at full loading without the oversized cooling system. And even this was not enough in the MidEast to do the job for the Israelis. I can explain in greater detail, but be aware-cooling is a VERY involved subject.
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