My first attempt using filtered WMO is as follows.... 15 gallons of filtered waste motor oils, mix of conventional and synthetic, with 5 gallons of fresh 87 octane gas and 5 gallons of #2 diesel. The White LDT whistler engine in Brutus is much quieter, a bit more blue smoke at startup and it appears I am getting more miles out of this half tank experiment. My OEM primary fuel filter plugged three times and would not drain, so I installed the WIX spin-on filter setup from John Tennis on Saturday and drained it this morning before I took him for a ride without any problems. I am processing about 50 gallons of WMO now and the next time around I think I will just cut it with #2 diesel.
BTW, for those of you using John's fuel spin-on/off filter set-up, I am finding that the Wix replacement filters are priced from $21.00 at the local NAPA (Gold version) to $13.95 at a local independent parts store. Online as low as $8.95, but shipping kills that idea!