There will be boiled peanuts and grits if I am there. Ron, are you sure it was the grits?? That was not the night you took a pull from the pink juice jug every time it came around?? As I recall you did not feel well that night, and as you were outside in the middle of the night tending to business Jennifer I think, was out jogging and she hit the jug more than you did.

Do you remember my sage advice the next morning as you were lamenting about how bad you felt???? As far as the grits go we found out last year if you melt lots of cheese in them even the Yankees well eat them. We will have lots of cheese this year.
If you have never been to Clintos Ga Rally you have no idea what you are missing. Make plans to be there this year and meet a group of America's finest people and spend 4 of the most fun days of you lives. And its cheap to!!