I was at Red River in Nov 2011 and can tell you they helped me with a trailer but were real cautious about helping. Seemed some real quality individual had gotten a truck there in the recent past and was left unattended to get his truck taken care of. Not sure what lot, because they have multiple pick up gl locations there. Thus individual did all his fluid pms by literally draining it all straight to the ground, left his trash & old filters, and made quite a mess for those folks. Of course this is a Military Base that has to follow EPA protocols on the cleanup. GL was burned by a unscrupulous unethical hopefully non ss person.
Both times I have been there, now requires an attendant to be with you till you are past the drmo/office gate and on your way. My pick ups at Belle Chasse, Ft. Polk, Huntsville, and Red River were outstanding with the individuals I met. Shelby, well that is another story. Most GL folks I have met are nice caring individuals who go beyond if treated nicely and politely at the sites.