I can't speculate on how long it will be before the titling paperwork currently in the pipeline will be mailed out. Like I said before, our Titling Department is processing paperwork that was received mid January. I can tell you that they hired additional help though.
As stated previously, there are costs involved to process the paperwork. As I understand it, anytime/ anywhere that you request/ require titling paperwork, there will be a fee of some kind. The $60 is a figure that was deemed appropriate when our costs were considered. And currently, that fee is being waived to increase turn around time of the titling paperwork.
As for the process itself, there are buyers who don't need/ want titles, so a completed title request form let's us know that you want one. I'm not a lawyer so I have no idea what is legal or illegal, but we do issue titles. In fact, if you think you may sell the vehicle one day, please do request the paperwork when you purchase it so you’ll be prepared.
Please also note that titles are US Government controlled documents. We have a large buyer base and there are times when EUCs don’t clear or customers don’t complete the payment or they fail to pick up. Titling paperwork will be released to the actual/ cleared buyer of the vehicle.
Just in case there's a miscommunication that goes even deeper than that: we have a department that processes SF97s and that’s all they do. We have people dedicated to this task alone. I'm stating the obvious just in case. I can hear forms being printed while I've been typing this. [Actually, the printer is obnoxiously loud so it's good news for your ears but not so much for mine.
