Yes the Govt. will come and get what they want, and there isn't much you can do about it. But regardless of what the fine print says, it doesn't make it morally right. If you buy a house, live there for years, make it your home and invest your life and savings into it, you pretty much think its yours. But what if the govt. comes and decides they want your land, and take it by eminent domain? They have that right, but it doesn't make it morally right. Regardless of what its worth, or what you have into it, they make you an offer and you had better take it.
That happened to a good friend. He and his wife built a new house on family land. They had over $150k into the house alone, the town had it appraised for well over $200k. A couple years later (house wasn't even 100% finished) the state decided a new road was going through there. They offered my friend $125k for the property, or $80k towards moving the house to a new property. Take it or leave it, if they refused they would get nothing and be out on the street. By the time they found new land in the area, had the house moved, then paid for all the repairs and damage from the moving process, they were out another $200k.
So if the govt. wants your truck, theres nothing you can say or do, fighting you over a truck is nothing to them, and you WILL lose.
But its still not right.
Of course like I had said in a previous post, we are most likely worked up over nothing, and its probably a 1-time thing that won't affect the rest of us. Cross your fingers and hope.