Given enough time in the ownership of such a fine military vehicular specimen


, you'll need the tech manuals, so that you can read the following Chapter titles:
'If it's swollen, it;'s probably a Glow Plug'
'Why Have One Bad Generator, When You Can Have Two!'
'What To Do When Starters Don't'
'When Relay Boards Crap Out...'
'Being Happy in the Right Lane at 50MPH!'
'GM Diesels Aren't All They're Cracked Up to Be... (but typically are cracked-up)'
'The Dash Lights Are On, But No One's Home...' and it's sequel
'I Can't See Paradise By the Dashboard Lights?'
and 'You And Your Alternate Transport' - a.k.a., 'These Boots Are Made For Walkin''...